cuspid; tooth; tooth-like thing; tusk
【医】 dens; dent-; dental ivory; dentes; denti-; dento-; odont-; odonto-
teeth; tooth病的英语翻译:
ill; sick; malady; affection
【医】 affection; complaint; disease; evil; ill; illness; mal; maladie; malady
malum; morbi; morbus; patho-; sickness; sirupus ferri jodati; vitium预防的英语翻译:
prevent; provide against; take precautions against; obviate; preclude
【医】 prevention; prophylaxis; synteresis学的英语翻译:
imitate; knowledge; learn; mimic; school; study; subject of study家的英语翻译:
a school of thought; a specialist in certain field; family; home; tame
【法】 home