because of; cause; follow; on the basis of精神失常的英语翻译:
【法】 abnormality of mind; non compos mentis; out of one's sense
unsound mind不的英语翻译:
nay; no; non-; nope; not; without
【医】 a-; non-; un-构成的英语翻译:
constitute; form; comprise; frame; make; make up; structure
【医】 organize
【经】 composition犯罪的英语翻译:
commit a crime; crime; delict; err; misdeed; sin; transgress; trespass
【法】 commission of a crime; commit an offence; commitment; committal; crime
guilt; guilt by an offence; malefaction; misdeed; offend; peccancy
perpetration; prepetrate a crime; sin; wrong-doing