【法】 purge one's contempt
be; depend on; exist; at; in
【计】 plot on X axis; search in
look down upon; despise; defy; scant; scoff at; scorn; spurn
【法】 contempt; defiance; extenuate
gownsman; judge; judiciary; justice; law-officer; magistrate
【法】 bench; deemster; judge; judiciary; jurist; justicer; justiciary
ordinary; trial justice
either; maybe; or; perhaps
【计】 OR
court; lawcourt; courtroom; forum; tribunal
【法】 banc; bar; bench; court; court house; court of judicature
court of justice; courtroom; courts of law; judicial court
judicial tribunal; law court; law-court; officina justitiae
seat of justice; tribunal
after; back; behind; offspring; queen
【医】 meta-; post-; retro-
acknowledge a mistake; acknowledge the corn; resipiscence; stand corrected
【法】 awake to one's errors; resipiscence