call on; give change; look for; quest; seek
1.quest 2.seek 3.callof 4.lookfor例句:
- 他想在餐具室里找到一些酒。He wanted to find some wine in the pantry.
- 我们设法寻找遮蔽暴风雨的地方。We tried to find cover from the storm.
- 我正要找你。Just the man I was looking for.
- 我正在找兼职工作。I'm looking for a part-time job.
- 我在人群中寻找她,但看不到。I looked for her in the crowd but couldn't see her.
- 我终于找到了一直在找的书。I finally managed to find the book I was looking for.
- 你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这本书。You can look for the book in the library catalog.
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