branch; pay; prop up; protrude; raise【医】 branch; clan; rami; ramus
1.ramus 2.prop 3.support(saddle) 4.mainvalve 5.pieces例句:
- 他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument.
- 我们深深感谢你的支持。We are deeply grateful for your support.
- 别担心,我会支持你的。Do not fear; I will support you.
- 他引用《圣经》来支持他的信仰。He quotes the Bible to support his beliefs.
- 让我们互相支持,互相鼓励。Let's give mutual support and inspiration to each other.
- 我们请求她在选举中给予支持,但她无动于衷。We asked for her support in the election, but she wasn't sympathetic.
- 我完全支持你。I'll support you to the hilt.
- 如果今晚这支足球队不能赢球,他们将会被降级。If this football team doesn't get a result tonight, they will be put down into a lower division.

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