anesthetic 也作 an.aes.thet.ic
adj.(形容词)Relating to or resembling anesthesia.麻醉的:与麻醉有关的或类似麻醉的Causing anesthesia.引起麻醉的Insensitive.无感觉的n.(名词)An agent that causes loss of sensation with or without the loss of consciousness.麻醉剂:一种导致感觉缺失但知觉或有或无的药剂Something likened to this in effect:麻醉品:在效果上与此相似的事物:例句:Some people feel that television becomes an anesthetic for the mind after too many hours of steady viewing.一些人感觉在持续观看电视数小时后电视会成为大脑的麻醉品
来源:From Greek anaisthôtos [without feeling] 源自 希腊语 anaisthôtos [无感觉] an- [without] * see a- an- [无] *参见 a-aisthôtos [perceptible] from aisthanesthai [to feel] * see anesthesia aisthôtos [可感觉到的] 源自 aisthanesthai [感觉] *参见 anesthesia