n.(名词)One of a pair of hornlike, bony, deciduous growths, usually elongated and branched, on the head of a deer, moose, elk, caribou, or other member of the deer family.鹿角,鹿茸:如鹿、麋、北美驼鹿、驯鹿或其它种类的鹿科动物,其头上的可自行脱落的骨质角状,通常为长且分叉的一对生长物之一
来源:Middle English aunteler 中古英语 aunteler from Old French antoillier 源自 古法语 antoillier from Vulgar Latin *antocul3re, anteocul3re 源自 俗拉丁语 *antocul3re, anteocul3re Latin ante- [ante-] 拉丁语 ante- [前缀,表示.前.,.在前.] Latin ocul3ris [of the eye] * see ocular 拉丁语 ocul3ris [眼的] *参见 ocular