as.sert及物动词)as.sert.ed,,as.serts To state or express positively; affirm:断言:肯定地说出或讲出;断言:例句:asserted his innocence.他坚称自己无罪
To defend or maintain (one`s rights, for example).维护,坚持:维护或坚持(如,自己的权利)To put (oneself) forward boldly or forcefully in an effort to make an opinion known, for example:坚持己见:大胆地或强有力地提出(自己)的观点,以使其为大家所知,如:例句:I had to assert myself in the meeting in order to ensure acquisition of the new book.我在会上不得不坚持自己观点以保证得到那本新书
来源:Latin asserere assert- 拉丁语 asserere assert- ad- [ad-] ad- [前缀,表.朝,向.] serere [to join] * see ser- 2serere [参加] *参见 ser- 2
【引伸】 或
adj.(形容词) 或
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>assert,asseverate,declare,affirm,aver,avow同义词>These verbs all mean to make a positive statement.Toassert is to state one`s opinion confidently but often without proof to support it: 这些动词的意思是肯定地提出。assert 是指自信地讲出自己的观点,但常常是没有证据来支持: 例句:.I have endeavored to assert nothing but what I had good authority for. (William Sewel).除了我确有把握的事情外,我不会断然地讲任何事情. (威廉·西维尔)。
Asseverate connotes sober sincerity of assertion: Asseverate 指郑重真诚的断言: 例句:.The taxpayer also asseverates that his return from Greece proves conclusively that his intentions were and are honorable. (Daily Report for Executives).纳税人同时郑重声明他从希腊的返回,本身就非常有说服力地证明他的意图,曾经是,现在也是诚实的 (行政官员每日报告)。
Declare has the approximate force ofassert but may suggest formality of statement and authority in the speaker: Declare 有接近于assert 所表述的力量,但含有表示讲话者礼节和权威的意思: 例句:Congress declared that it would reduce the budget deficit.国会宣布将要减少预算赤字。
Affirm and aver stress the speaker`s confidence in the validity of the statement: Affirm Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work. aver 强调讲话人对所讲东西正确性的自信: 例句:科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。她断言离群索居对于创造性的工作是必不可少的。
Avow implies frank and open acknowledgment or admission: Avow 含有坦诚的,坦率的承认或确认: 例句:.thinks the book succeeds in achieving its avowed purpose: to explain how the Court`s current role evolved through history. (Tony Mauro). .认为该书成功地达到了公开宣布的目的:解释当今法庭作用的历史发展. (托尼·莫罗)。