adj.(形容词)Inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive.好战的:倾向于或渴望战斗的;敌对的或爱寻衅的Of, pertaining to, or engaged in warfare.交战的:战争的、关于或陷入交战中的n.(名词)One that is hostile or aggressive, especially one that is engaged in war.交战者:敌对的或爱寻衅的人或一方,尤指参与战争者
来源:Latin belliger3ns belligerant- [present participle of] belliger3re [to wage war] 拉丁语 belliger3ns belligerant- [] belliger3re的现在分词 [进行战争] from belliger [warlike] 源自 belliger [好战的] bellum [war] bellum [战争] gerere [to make] gerere [制造]
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>belligerent,bellicose,pugnacious,contentious,quarrelsome同义词>These adjectives are compared as they mean having or showing an eagerness to fight.这些形容词用来比喻具有或显示了对战斗的渴望。 Belligerent may specify actual engagement in combat ( Belligerent 可以特指确实参与在战斗中( 例句:tried to arrange a truce between the belligerent nations), or it may refer to a tendency to hostile behavior ( 交战两国努力达成休战协议), 或者可以指敌对行为的倾向(
例句:A belligerent reporter badgered the President for the facts). 一名好寻衅的记者就一些事实纠缠总统)。
Bellicose and pugnacious suggest a natural disposition to fight: Bellicose .All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose. They never defend anyone or anything if they can help it; if the job is forced upon them, they tackle it by denouncing someone or something else. (H.L. Mencken). pugnacious 意指存有对战斗的自然倾向: 例句: .所有成功的报纸都是不停地发牢骚的和好斗的。如果能够避免,他们从不卫护任何人或任何事。如果要强迫他们这么做,他们就通过斥责别人或别的事来解决问题. (H.L.麦肯)。
例句:A retired litigator misses the challenge to her pugnacious intellect.一位退休的诉讼人怀念对其好斗才智的挑战。
Contentious implies chronic argumentativeness: Contentious 意指惯常的好争辩: 例句:.His style has been described variously as abrasive and contentious, overbearing and pompous. (Victor Merina). .他的风格有时被描述为令人讨厌和好争论的,有时又被形容为傲慢和自负的. (维克多·梅里纳)。
Quarrelsome suggests bad temper and a perverse readiness to bicker and quarrel: Quarrelsome 意指坏脾气和对争论或争吵具有违反常情的机敏: 例句:.On the days they worked they were good-natured and cheerful, and . . . they spent the evening jollily; but on our idle days they were mutinous and quarrelsome. (Benjamin Franklin)..工作的日子他们脾气又好,又愉快,并且…快乐地度过夜晚;但当闲暇时,他们捣乱造反,喜好争吵. (本杰明·弗兰克林)