n.(名词)A piece of cloth or plastic secured under the chin and worn, especially by small children, to protect the clothing while eating.围涎,围嘴:吃饭时围在下巴下面用以保护衣服的一块布或塑料布,多用于小孩子
The part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest.围裙上部,工装裤上部:围裙的一部分或工装裤胸前的部分Bibbed overalls worn while skiing.滑雪时紧身裤的胸前部分及物动词和不及物动词)bibbed,,bibs To drink or to indulge in drinking.喝酒,酗酒
来源:Probably from Middle English bibben [to drink heartily] 可能源自 中古英语 bibben [贪酒喝] from Latin bibere * see pô(i)- 源自 拉丁语 bibere *参见 pô(i)-