Either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland.乳房,乳腺:女人胸部两个分泌乳汁的腺状器官之一;人的乳腺A corresponding organ in other mammals.胸脯:其它哺乳动物的相应器官A corresponding rudimentary gland in the male.退化乳房:男性相应的退化乳房
The superior ventral surface of the human body, extending from the neck to the abdomen.胸部:人体的上身腹部表面,从脖子延伸到腹部A corresponding part in other animals.胸腹部:其它动物的相应部分The part of a garment that covers the chest.(衣服的)胸部:覆盖胸部的衣服的部分The seat of affection and emotion:心窝,胸怀:情愫和感情的居所:例句:.Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast.(Shakespeare).我的心中是沉甸甸的忧伤.(莎士比亚)
A source of nourishment.营养的源泉Something likened to the human breast:被喻为人胸脯的某物:例句:the breast of a hill.山腹
The face of a mine or tunnel.工作面:煤矿或地道的工作面及物动词)breast.ed,,breasts To rise over; climb:升高;攀登:例句:.He breasted a rise and looked down. He was at the head of a small valley.(Ken Follett).他登上高处往下看。他正站在一个小山谷的顶上.(肯·福利特)
To encounter or advance against resolutely; confront boldly.坚毅地面对,与…搏斗:坚毅地与…对抗或对决;勇敢地面对To push against with or as if with the breast.挺胸迎…而上:以或似以胸脯面对…
来源:Middle English brest 中古英语 brest from Old English brôost 源自 古英语 brôost