A country of northern North America. Eastern Canada was settled by both English and French colonists and was ceded to England in 7'3 after the Seven Years` War. The Dominion of Canada was formed in 8'7 and extended to the western provinces in 905; Newfoundland formally joined the federation in 949. The Statute of Westminster (93) confirmed Canada`s status as an independent nation within the Commonwealth. Ottawa is the capital and Montreal the largest city. Population, 23,343,8.
加拿大:北美洲北部的一个国家。 加拿大东部先由英国和法国殖民者共同占据, 后于7'3年在七年战争之后被割让给英国。英属加拿大于8'7年建立,于905 年扩张到西部省区;纽芬兰于949年加入该联邦。威斯敏斯特法案(93年) 确立了加拿大在这共同体中的独立主权国地位。渥太华是其首都,最大城市是蒙特利尔市。 人口23,343,8