n.(名词)A tall, annual dioecious plant(Cannabis sativa), native to central Asia and having alternate, palmately divided leaves and tough bast fibers. 大麻:一种高大的一年生雌雄异株植物(大麻 大麻属) ,原产于亚洲中部,具有互生的手掌状全裂叶和坚硬的韧皮纤维 Any of several mildly euphoriant, intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs, such as ganja, hashish, or marijuana, prepared from various parts of this plant.大麻制品:一种产生轻微快感、引起幻觉作用的毒品,如印度大麻、大麻麻醉剂或大麻烟,皆从该植物不同部分提炼出来
来源:Latin 拉丁语 from Greek kannabis 源自 希腊语 kannabis