cannonball 也作 cannon ball
n.(名词)A round projectile fired from a cannon.炮弹:从一尊大炮中射出的一个球状抛射物A jump into water made with the arms grasping the upraised knees.抱膝跳水:用双臂紧抱伸直的双膝跳入水中Something, such as a fast train, moving with great speed.高速运动的事物,如一列特快火车Sports A fast low serve in tennis.【体育运动】 炮弹式发球:网球中一记又快又低的发球v.intr.(不及物动词)can.non.balled,,can.non.balls To travel with great speed.以极快的速度移动To jump into water while grasping one`s upraised knees with one`s arms.抱膝跳水:用双臂紧抱伸直的双膝跳入水中