v.(动词)car.ried,,car.ries及物动词)To hold or support while moving; bear:负载:在移动中握住或支撑住;担负:例句:carried the baby in my arms; carrying a heavy backpack.See Synonyms at convey 把孩子抱在我怀里;背着沉重的包裹参见 convey
To take from one place to another; transport:运送,运输:从一个地方拿到另一个地方;运输:例句:a train carrying freight; a courier carrying messages.运货火车;递送消息的信使
Chiefly Southern U.S. To transport (someone) in a motor vehicle, such as an automobile.【多用于美国南部】 用机动车辆,例如汽车运送(某人)To serve as a means for the conveyance of; transmit:传送:作为传送工具而用;转送:例句:pipes that carry waste water; a bridge that carries traffic between the two cities.输送废水的管子;两个城市之间转运交通的桥梁
To communicate; pass on:传递;传播:例句:The news was carried by word of mouth to every settlement.这条新闻被口头传播到每一个部落
To express or contain:表达,包含:例句:harsh words that carried a threat of violence.含有暴力威胁的严厉言词
To have (something) on the surface or skin; bear:带有:在表面或皮肤上带有上带有(某物);具有:例句:carries scars from acne.带有青春豆留下的疤痕
To hold or be capable of holding:容纳或能容纳:例句:The tank carries ' gallons when full.这个油槽可以装满十六加仑
To support the weight or responsibility of:承担着…的重量或责任:例句:carried a heavy academic load last semester.上学期担负着繁重的学术任务
To keep or have on one`s person:持有,怀有:例句:stopped carrying credit cards.不带信用卡
To be pregnant with.怀孕
To hold and move (the body or a part of it) in a particular way:举动:以一种特殊的方式支持和移动(身体或身体的一部分):例句:carried her head proudly.骄傲地昂着她的头
To behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner.举止,举动:以一种特定的方式举止或举动To extend or continue in space, time, or degree:延伸,持续:在空间、时间或程度上延伸或持续:例句:carried the line to the edge of the page; carry a joke too far.划线延伸至书页的边缘;开玩笑过了头
To give impetus to; propel:给予推动力;推动:例句:The wind carried the ball over the fence.风把球吹过了篱笆
To take further; advance:推进一步;推进:例句:carry a cause.推进一项事业
To take or seize, especially by force; capture.抓,捕捉:拿走或抓住,尤指运用武力;俘获
To be successful in; win:在…上成功;赢得:例句:lost the game but carried the match.输掉了比赛但却战胜了对手
To gain victory, support, or acceptance for:获得对…的胜利、支持或接受:例句:The motion was carried in a close vote.动议以接近的选票获得通过
To win a majority of the votes in:在…赢得选票的大多数:例句:Roosevelt carried all but two states in the 93' presidential election.在93'年总统选举中罗斯福在除两个州以外的其他各州中都获得多数选票
To gain the sympathy of; win over:获得…的同情;赢得:例句:The amateurs` enthusiasm carried the audience.这个业余者的热情征服了观众
To include or keep on a list:记录:在目录中包含或保留:例句:carried a dozen workers on the payroll.工资名单上包括十二个工人
To have as an attribute or accompaniment:附带:作为特征或附属物而具有:例句:an appliance carrying a full-year guarantee.有一年保证期的器具
To involve as a condition, consequence, or effect:包含,伴随:含有某种条件、后果或效力:例句:The crime carried a five-year sentence.该罪行要判五年徒刑
To transfer from one place, as a column, page, or book, to another:转至:从一处转到另一处,如一个栏目、一页纸或一本书:例句:carry a number in addition.额外转印一期
To keep in stock; offer for sale:储存;出售:例句:a store that carries a full line of electronic equipment.出售一整套电子设备生产线的商店
To keep in one`s accounts as a debtor:记帐:作为债务人记在某人的帐上:例句:carried the unemployed customer for 90 days.让失业的顾客记帐九十天
To maintain or support (one that is weaker or less competent, for example).维护,支持:维护或支持(如弱小的或是能力差的人)To compensate for (a weaker member or partner) by one`s performance.弥补:由某人实行偿还(弱小的一员或合作者)To place before the public; print or broadcast:刊载,广播:置于公众面前;刊载或广播:例句:The morning papers carried the story. The press conference was carried by all networks.晨报刊载了这个故事。所有传媒都报道了这次记者招待会
To produce as a crop.生产某种庄稼To provide forage for (livestock):为(家畜)提供草料:例句:land that carries sheep.能放牧羊群的土地
To sing (a melody, for example) on key:唱得合调:音调准确地演唱(如一支歌):例句:carry a tune.唱得调子很准
Sports 【体育运动】 To cover (a distance) or advance beyond (a point or object) in one golf stroke.击出,越过:在打高尔夫球时的一击中(球)滚动(一段距离)或者超越(某个点或目标)Football To hold and rush with (the ball).【橄榄球】 抱着(球)向前冲Basketball To palm (the ball) in violation of the rules.【篮球】 犯规时持(球)时间过长v.intr.(不及物动词)To act as a bearer:负载,驮运:例句:teach a dog to fetch and carry.教一只狗取东西并送回来
To be transmitted or conveyed; cover a range:被传送,被传达:被传送或传达;覆盖一个区域:例句:a voice that carries well.传得很远的声音
To admit of being transported:容许被运输:例句:Unbalanced loads do not carry easily.不平衡的货物不容易运输
To hold the neck and head in a certain way. Used of a horse.指将颈和头保持某一姿势。用于指马To be accepted or approved:被接受,被通过:例句:The proposal carried by a wide margin.提案获得多数通过
n.(名词)【复数】 car.ries The act or process of carrying.搬运:搬运的动作或过程A portage, as between two navigable bodies of water.水陆联运:两条通航的水路之间的联运
The range of a gun or projectile.射程:枪或炮的射程The distance traveled by a hurled or struck ball.投球距离,击球距离:一颗投出或击出的球所运行的距离Reach; projection:达到;投射:例句:.a voice that had far more carry to it than at any time in the term thus far.(Jimmy Breslin).这是目前为止传得最远的声音.(吉米·布雷斯林)
Football An act of rushing with the ball:【橄榄球】 抱着球跑的动作:例句:a carry of two yards.抱球跑了两码
<常用词组>carry away
To move or excite greatly:大为激动,忘形:例句:was carried away by desire.被欲望冲昏了头脑
carry forward
Accounting To transfer (an entry) to the next column, page, or book, or to another account.【会计学】 转帐:将(帐目)转下一栏、页、册或另一帐户carry off
To cause the death of:引起…的死亡:例句:was carried off by a fever.因发烧而死
To handle successfully:成功地对付:例句:carried off the difficult situation with aplomb.镇静地应付了困难的局面
carry on
To conduct; maintain:开展;维持:例句:carry on a thriving business.经营繁忙的生意
To engage in:卷入,从事:例句:carry on a love affair.正在谈恋爱
To continue without halting; persevere:不停顿地持续下去;坚持:例句:carry on in the face of disaster.面对灾难坚持不懈
To behave in an excited, improper, or silly manner.举止激动、不当或愚蠢carry out
To put into practice or effect:实行,运作:例句:carry out a new policy.实行一项新政策
To follow or obey:遵循或遵守:例句:carry out instructions.遵循教诲
To bring to a conclusion; accomplish:得出结论;完成:例句:carried out the mission successfully.成功地完成使命
carry over
Accounting 【会计学】 To transfer (an account) to the next column, page, or book relating to the same account.转帐目到…:把(一个帐目)转到与它相关的下一栏、页或册上去To retain (merchandise or other goods) for a subsequent, usually the next, season.保留至下一季:把(商品或其它货物)贮存起来以供随后的,通常是下一个季节的供应To deduct (an unused tax credit or a loss, for example) for taxable income of a subsequent period.扣除:为下一个时期需征税的收入而扣除(如未使用的税款或其损失)To persist to another time or situation:延续:坚持到其他时间或情况:例句:The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children`s regular school work.孩子们在辅导班上获得的自信持续到他们正常的学校学习中去
carry through
To accomplish; complete:达到;完成:例句:carry a project through despite difficulties.不顾困难地完成一项计划
To survive; persist:存活下来;坚持:例句:prejudices that have carried through over the centuries.经过了几个世纪依然存在的偏见
To enable to endure; sustain:能够忍受;保存:例句:a faith that carried them through the ordeal.此信念支持他们通过严格的考验
常用词组><习惯用语>carry a torch 或
carry the torch
To feel a painful, unreciprocated love:痛苦地单恋:感受一种令人痛苦的,得不到回报的爱:例句:still carrying a torch for an old sweetheart.依然痛苦地单恋着一位昔日的情人
carry the ball【非正式用语】
To assume the leading role; do most of the work.担任主要角色;做大部分工作carry the day
To be victorious; win.胜利;获胜习惯用语>来源:Middle English carien 中古英语 carien from Old North French carier 源自 古法国北方方言 carier from carre [cart] * see car 源自 carre [货车] *参见 car
<注释>A non-Southerner is always amused when a Southerner offers to .carry. rather than to drive him or her somewhere,imagining it to be an invitation to be picked up and bodily lugged to the destination.However, the verbcarry, which to Southerners means .to transport (someone) in a motor vehicle, such as an automobile,. is etymologicallymore precise in the Southern usage than anywhere else.Carry derives from the Latin noun carrus, .cart,. from which we get the nounscarriage and our modern car. Therefore,carry is more closely related to car than is drive, which only makes literal sense if the vehicle is drawn by a team of animals.当一个南方人提出把一个非南方人.运送.而不是开车带到某地时,这个非南方人总是觉得好笑,会以为是一个把他或她.拖运.到某地的邀请。然而,carry 这个动词对南方人来说意思是.用机动车辆(例如汽车)运送某人,. 从词源学的角度来讲,该词在南部的用法比在其它任何地方者更为确切。Carry 一词从拉丁语中的名词 carrus .货车.发展而来, 从此我们又得到了名词carriage 和现在的 car 。 因此,carry 比 drive 而更为与 car 的关系密切, 因为如果一辆车由一组动物拉着,那么它就只能表示字面上的意思注释>