Careful forethought to avoid danger or harm.谨慎:仔细考虑以避免危险或伤害Close attention or vigilance to minimize risk:小心:对最小风险的严密注意或警觉:例句:The car proceeded over the rickety bridge with caution.汽车小心地在摇晃的桥上前进
Prudence or restraint in action or decision:谨慎,慎重:行动或决定的谨慎或节制:例句:advised caution in choosing a school.建议审慎选择学校
A warning or admonishment, especially to take heed:劝告,警告:警告或训诫,尤指要求留心:例句:I received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet.医生劝告我注意饮食中的脂肪量
A cautious action; a precaution:预防,防止:小心谨慎的行为;预防:例句:The climbers took the necessary cautions in preparing for the ascent.攀登者为准备上山采取必要的预防措施
Informal One that is striking or alarming.【非正式用语】 引人注目的人,惊人的人及物动词)cau.tioned,,cau.tions To advise to take heed; warn or admonish.See Synonyms at warn 警告,劝告:建议多加小心;警告或训诫参见 warn
来源:Middle English caucioun 中古英语 caucioun from Old French caution 源自 古法语 caution from Latin cautiô cautiôn- 源自 拉丁语 cautiô cautiôn- from cautus [past participle of] cavôre [to take care] 源自 cautus [] cavôre的过去分词 [小心谨慎]