v.intr.(不及物动词)chat.ted,chat.ting,chats To converse in an easy, familiar manner; talk lightly and casually.闲谈:轻松随便地进行交谈;闲谈,聊天n.(名词)An informal, light conversation.闲谈:非正式的、轻松的谈话Any of several birds known for their chattering call, as of the generaSaxicola or Icteria. 鸣禽:以啁啾声著名的鸟类,如石鸟 属或 巨鸟 属
<常用词组>chat up
To engage (someone) in light, casual talk:与…攀谈或搭讪:例句:.He would be . . . chatting up folks from Kansas.(Vanity Fair).他总是在和美国堪萨斯州来的人搭讪.(名利场)
常用词组>来源:Middle English chatten [to jabber] 中古英语 chatten [急促而含混不清地说] alteration of chateren * see chatter chateren的变化 *参见 chatter