n.(名词)Any of numerous animals belonging to the phylum Chordata, having at some stage of development a dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, and gill slits and including all vertebrates and certain marine animals, such as the lancelets.脊索动物:包括所有的脊椎动物以及如文昌鱼之类的海洋动物的脊索动物门的大量动物中的任一个,在某些生长阶段有背部神经索、背索及鳃裂
来源:From New Latin Chord3ta [phylum name] 源自 现代拉丁语 Chord3ta [生物分类的门名] from Latin chorda [cord] * see cord 源自 拉丁语 chorda [弦] *参见 cord