n.(名词)A brief, sharp, nonresonant sound:喀哒声:一种短暂、尖利、不延续的声音:例句:the click of a door latch.门锁的喀哒声
A mechanical device, such as a pawl, that snaps into position.爪,掣子:一种如爪的机械设备,咬合在某一位置Linguistics An implosive stop found in some African languages and produced by raising the back of the tongue to make contact with the soft palate and simultaneously closing the lips or touching the teeth or alveolar ridge with the tip and sides of the tongue.Also called In this sense, also called suction stop 【语言学】 吸气音:某些非洲语言中的一种内爆破停顿,通过抬高舌的后部与软颚接触发出,同时闭拢嘴唇或舌尖及侧部触碰牙齿或牙龈边缘也作 在此意义上也可称作 suction stopv.(动词)clicked,,clicks v.intr.(不及物动词)To produce a click or series of clicks.发出喀哒声:发出喀哒声或一系列喀哒声Slang 【俚语】 To be a great success:极成功:例句:The play clicked on Broadway.剧目在百老汇获得极大成功
To function well together; hit it off.运作良好;合得来To become clear; fall into place.完全一致:变得清楚;正合其位及物动词)To cause to click, as by striking together:使发出喀哒声:使发出喀哒声,如通过相互碰击:例句:clicked his heels.使鞋跟发出喀哒声
来源:[Imitative] [拟声词]