Any of various bloodsucking hemipterous insects of the family Reduviidae, especiallyTriatoma sanguisuga of Mexico and the southern and western United States, having sucking mouthparts and capable of inflicting a painful, toxic bite. Although they usually prey on insects, some suck the blood of mammals. Also called cone-nosed bug ,kissing bug
锥鼻虫:任一种猎蝽科吸血的半翅类昆虫,尤指墨西哥与美国南部和西部的吸血猎蝽属 昆虫,有吸唇,咬人疼痛并有毒。虽然它们通常吸食昆虫的血,也有一些吸食哺乳动物的血 也作 cone-nosed bug,kissing bug