v.(动词)con.vict.ed,,con.victs及物动词)Law To find or prove (someone) guilty of an offense or crime, especially by the verdict of a court:【法律】 宣告有罪:发现或证明(某人)犯有某种过错或罪行,尤指经过法庭的裁定:例句:The jury convicted the defendant of manslaughter.陪审团判定被告犯有杀人罪
To show or delcare to be blameworthy; condemn:谴责:表示或宣布有过错;谴责:例句:His remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity.他的言辞显示了他缺乏敏感性
To make aware of one`s sinfulness or guilt.使知罪:使…意识到自己的罪孽或罪过v.intr.(不及物动词)To return a verdict of guilty in a court:判定有罪:在法庭上正式宣布有罪:例句:.We need jurors . . . who will not convict merely because they are suspicious.(Scott Turow).我们需要…不仅仅因为他们有嫌疑就判定他们有罪的陪审员.(斯科特·图罗)
A person found or declared guilty of an offense or crime.罪犯:被发现或宣布犯有某种过错或罪行的人A person serving a sentence of imprisonment.囚犯:监禁服刑中的囚犯adj.Archaic (形容词)【古语】 Found guilty; convicted.被定罪的:被发现有罪的;被定罪的
来源:Middle English convicten 中古英语 convicten from Latin convincere convict- * see convince 源自 拉丁语 convincere convict- *参见 convince