n.Abbr. conv.(名词)缩写 conv.
The act of convoking.召集:召集开会的行为A group of people convoked, especially the members of a college or university community who are assembled for a ceremony.集会:召集起来开会的一群人,尤指为某种庆祝仪式而集合起来的大学或大学社团成员A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.主教会议:英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被召集时才集合
An assembly of the clergy and representative laity of a section of a diocese of the Episcopal Church.主教区会议:美国新教圣公会主教区的一部分神职人员和平民代表的集会The district represented at such an assembly.主教区会议所代表的地区