n.(名词)【复数】 或 [-so, -ko]
Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genusCrocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously colored flowers. 藏红花:任一种产于欧亚大陆的藏红花 属草本植物,生有禾草状的细长叶子,开绚丽多彩的花朵 Any of several other plants, such as the autumn crocus.番红花:任几种其它植物,如番红花Color A grayish to light reddish purple.【色彩】 藏红花色:一种从灰红紫色到淡红紫色的颜色A dark red powdered variety of iron oxide, Fe2O 3, used as an abrasive for polishing. 擦粉:一种深红色的氧化铁细粉,Fe2O 3,作为研磨剂用于抛光 A coarse, loosely woven material like burlap, once used to make sacks for shipping saffron.See Regional Note at gunnysack 麻袋布:一种类似粗麻布的粗糙布,曾用来制作运藏红花用的布袋参见 gunnysack
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin 源自 拉丁语 from Greek krokos 源自 希腊语 krokos [of Semitic origin] [源自闪族语]