n.(名词)The outermost layer of the skin of vertebrates; epidermis.表皮:脊椎动物皮肤的最外层;表皮The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail.角质层:位于指甲或趾甲基部边缘的硬化带状皮肤Dead or cornified epidermis.角质层:死的或角化了的表皮Zoology The noncellular, hardened or membranous protective covering of many invertebrates, such as the transparent membrane that covers annelids.【动物学】 护膜:许多非脊椎动物的非细胞的、硬化或膜状的保护性覆盖层,如覆盖节肢动物的透明膜状物Botany The layer of cutin covering the epidermis of the aerial parts of plants.【植物学】 角质层:覆盖在植物的气生部分表皮上的一层角质层
来源:Latin cutocula [diminutive of] cutis [skin] * see (s)keu- 拉丁语 cutocula [] cutis的小后缀 [皮肤] *参见 (s)keu-