n.(名词)The condition or quality of being deep.深度:深入的情况或特性
The extent, measurement, or dimension downward, backward, or inward:深长,纵深:向下,向后或向内的延伸,测度或长度:例句:dove to a depth of 30 feet; shelves with enough depth to store the large boxes.潜入水下三十英尺处;有足够长度用来存放这些大盒子的架子
The measurement or sense of distance from an observation point, such as linear perspective in painting.距离:从观察点看,对距离的测度或感觉(例如绘画中的线性透视)Often depths A deep part or place: 常作 depths 深处:深的部分或地方:例句:the ocean depths; in the depths of the forest.海洋深处;密林深处
The most profound or intense part or stage:最深处:最深重或最强烈的部分或阶段:例句:the depth of despair; an experience that touched the depths of tragedy.深深的绝望;触及到隐痛的经历
Intensity; force:强度;力度:例句:had not realized the depth of their feelings for one another.没有意识到他们彼此之间的感情之深
The severest or worst part:最严重或最恶劣的部分:例句:in the depth of an economic depression.处于经济萧条的谷底
A low point, level, or degree:低水平:低(点,水平或程度):例句:Production has fallen to new depths.产量降到新的最低点
Intellectual complexity or penetration; profundity:深奥:智力的复杂度或理解度;深奥:例句:a novel of great depth.一部十分深奥的小说
The range of one`s understanding or competence:范围:一个人理解力或竞争力的程度,范围:例句:I am out of my depth when it comes to cooking.提到烹饪,就超过我的所能了
Strength held in reserve, especially a supply of skilled or capable replacements:潜力,后备力量:保留的力量,尤其指强有力替代力量:例句:a team with depth at every position.此队的每个防御位置都有其后备力量
The degree of richness or intensity:浓淡:丰富或强烈的程度:例句:depth of color.色彩的浓淡
Lowness in pitch.声音低沉Complete detail; thoroughness:详尽;细节:例句:the depth of her research; an interview conducted in great depth.她研究的细节;一次深入的采访
来源:Middle English depthe 中古英语 depthe from dep [deep] * see deep 源自 dep [深] *参见 deep