NONE(无词性)American naval officer known for his victory at Manila Bay (May , 898) in the Spanish-American War.德威,乔治:(837-97) 美国海军军官,以他在美国与西班牙战争中取得的马尼拉湾的胜利(898年5月日)而著称
Dewey&B{John} (859-952)NONE(无词性)American philosopher and educator who was a leading exponent of philosophical pragmatism and rejected traditional methods of teaching by rote in favor of a broad-based system of practical experience.德威,约翰:(859-952) 美国哲学家,教育家,是哲学实用主义的倡导者,通过生搬硬套实践经验的广泛基础抵制传统的教育方式
Dewey&B{Melvil} (85-93)NONE(无词性)American librarian and founder of the decimal system of classification (87').杜威,梅尔维尔:(85-93) 美国图书管理专家,发明了文件分类法的十进制系统(87'年)
Dewey&B{Thomas Edmund} (902-97)NONE(无词性)American politician who was the Republican nominee for President in 944 and 948. In the latter election he was unexpectedly beaten by Harry S Truman`s whistle-stop campaign.德威,托马斯·埃德蒙:(902-97) 美国政治家,在944年和948年的总统选举中被共和党提名参加竞选,在随后的旅行竞选中出乎意料地被哈里·S·杜鲁门击败