n.(名词)【复数】 di.as.ta.ses[-sôz.] Pathology Separation of normally joined parts, such as the separation of adjacent bones without fracture or of certain abdominal muscles during pregnancy.【病理学】 脱离,脱臼:正常连接部分的分离。比如,在没有骨折的情况下相连骨头的分开或者在怀孕期间腹部肌肉的分开Physiology The last stage of diastole in the heart, occurring just before contraction and during which little additional blood enters the ventricle.【生理学】 心舒张后期:发生在心室充盈和心房开始收缩之间的心脏舒张休息期
来源:Greek [separation] 希腊语 [分开] from diistanai [to separate] 源自 diistanai [分离] dia- [apart] * see dia- dia- [分开] *参见 dia-histanai [to cause to stand] * see st3- histanai [使站立] *参见 st3-