dieresis 或 di.aer.e.sis
【复数】 di.er.e.ses[-sôz.]
A mark (¨) placed over the second of two adjacent vowels to indicate that they are to be pronounced as separate sounds rather than a dipthong, as innaôve.
二连续元音的音节的区分:符号(¨)放在两个连续元音的第二个元音之上,表示要分别发音的区分音符,例如在naôve 上的
A mark (¨) placed over a vowel, such as the final vowel inBrontô, to indicate that the vowel is not silent.
区分音符:放在一个元音之上符号(¨)。例如在Brontô, 上最后的元音代表这个元音是发音的
Poetry A break or pause in a line of verse that occurs when the end of a word and the end of a metric foot coincide.
【诗歌】 英诗行中音步尾部和词的最后音节相符时的小休止:诗句行末的停顿或暂停,一般出现在词尾和韵律音部重合的情况
Late Latin diaeresis
后期拉丁语 diaeresis
from Greek diairesis
源自 希腊语 diairesis
from diairein [to divide]
源自 diairein [分]
dia- [apart] * see dia-
dia- [分开] *参见 dia-
hairein [to take]
hairein [拿]