v.tr.(及物动词)dig.ni.fied,dig.ni.fy.ing,dig.ni.fies To confer dignity or honor on; give distinction to:授…以荣誉:授与高位或荣誉的;给予荣誉称号:例句:dignified him with a title.授于他的荣誉称号
To raise the status of (something unworthy or lowly); make honorable:把…夸大为:提高无价值的或较低事物的地位;变得有名誉的:例句:would not dignify the insulting question with a response.对无礼的问题不予以答复
来源:Middle English dignifien 中古英语 dignifien from Old French dignifier 源自 古法语 dignifier from Late Latin dignific3re 源自 后期拉丁语 dignific3re Latin dignus [worthy] * see dek- 拉丁语 dignus [值得] *参见 dek- Latin -fic3re [-fy] 拉丁语 -fic3re [后缀,表.使….]