v.tr.(及物动词)dis.cussed,dis.cuss.ing,dis.cuss.es To speak with others about; talk over.讨论,谈论:与他人谈论;说服To examine or consider (a subject) in speech or writing.论述,详述:以口头或书面形式来检查或考虑(主题)
来源:Middle English discussen [to examine] 中古英语 discussen [检查,审查] from Anglo-Norman discusser 源自 英法语 discusser from Latin discussus [past participle of] discutere [to break up] 源自 拉丁语 discussus [] discutere的过去分词 [打碎,破碎] dis- [apart] * see dis- dis- [分开] *参见 dis-quatere [to shake] * see kwôt- quatere [摇晃,振荡] *参见 kwôt-
discuss.able 或
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>discuss,argue,debate,dispute,contend同义词>These verbs mean to talk with others in an effort to reach agreement, to ascertain truth, or to convince.这些动词都表示与他人谈论以达成协议,确认真相或说服别人。 Discuss involves close examination of a subject with interchange of opinions: Discuss 涉及对某一问题交换意见并仔细检查: 例句:.Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely. (Macaulay)..只有在自由讨论才最有可能解决问题. (麦考利)。
Argue emphasizes the presentation of facts and reasons in support of a position opposed by others: Argue 强调陈述事实或理由来支持别人所反对的观点: 例句:.There is no good in arguing with the inevitable. (James Russell Lowell)..拿不可避免的事物争论是没有什么用的. (詹姆士·拉塞尔·洛威尔)。
Debate involves formal, often public argument: Debate 包含正式的、常是公开的争论: 例句:The candidates agreed to debate the campaign issues face to face.候选人都同意就竞选问题进行面对面的辩论。
Dispute implies differences of opinion and usually sharp argument: Dispute 表示观点的不同,通常为尖锐的辩论: 例句:members of the legislature disputing over increases in the military budget. To 立法机关的成员就增加军事预算一事上争论不休。
contend is to strive in debate or controversy: Contend 指极力争论或辩论: 例句:.Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy. (Mao Zedong). .百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针. (毛泽东)