n.Abbr. div.(名词)缩写 div.
The act of diverging.
The state of being divergent.
The degree by which things diverge.
Physiology A turning of both eyes outward from a common point or of one eye when the other is fixed.
【生理学】 发散:双眼从同一点向外转或一只眼不动,另一只眼向外转
Departure from a norm; deviation.
Difference, as of opinion.See Synonyms at deviation See Synonyms at difference
意见分歧参见 deviation参见 difference
Biology The evolutionary tendency or process by which animals or plants that are descended from a common ancestor evolve into different forms when living under different conditions.
【生物学】 趋异:在不同的条件下,由同一祖先延续下来的动物或植物,演变为不同形式的演变趋势或过程
Mathematics The property or manner of diverging; failure to approach a limit.
【数学】 散度,发散;不能达到极限
A meteorological condition characterized by the uniform expansion in volume of a mass of air over a region, usually accompanied by fair dry weather.