【复数】 do.does 或 do.dos
A large, clumsy, flightless bird(Raphus cucullatus), formerly of the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, that has been extinct since the late 7th century.
渡渡鸟,孤鸽:以前生于印度洋的毛里求斯岛上的一种大而笨重不会飞的鸟(渡渡鸟) ,7世纪即已绝种
Informal One whose dress, lifestyle, and ideas are hopelessly passé.
【非正式用语】 落伍的人:着装、生活方式及观念严重落后于时代的人
Informal A stupid person; an idiot.
【非正式用语】 愚蠢之人;白痴
Portuguese dodó
葡萄牙语 dodó
alteration of obsolete Dutch dodors
已废荷兰语 dodors的变化
Dutch dot [tuft of feathers]
荷兰语 dot [羽毛簇]
obsolete Dutch ors [tail] from Middle Dutch ôrs * see ors-
已废荷兰语 ors [尾巴] 源自 中古荷兰语 ôrs *参见 ors-