adj.(形容词)dull.er,dull.est Intellectually weak or obtuse; stupid.愚笨的:智力上较差或迟钝的;愚蠢的Lacking responsiveness or alertness; insensitive.迟钝的:反应不迅速的;不敏感的Dispirited; depressed.沮丧的:无精打采的;沮丧的Not brisk or rapid; sluggish:不活泼的,萧条的:不干脆或不迅速的;迟钝的:例句:Business is dull.生意冷清
Not having a sharp edge or point; blunt:钝的:没有利刃或利尖的;钝的:例句:a dull knife.一把钝刀
Not intensely or keenly felt:隐约的:不是很强烈地感觉到的:例句:a dull ache.隐痛
Arousing no interest or curiosity; boring:枯燥的:引不起兴趣或好奇的;乏味的:例句:a dull play.一出乏味的戏
Not bright or vivid. Used of a color:不鲜明的:不明亮的,不生动的。指颜色:例句:a dull brown.暗棕色
Cloudy or overcast:阴霾的:多云的阴天的:例句:a dull sky.阴沉的天空
Not clear or resonant:不清楚的,不洪亮的:例句:a dull thud.一声闷雷
v.tr.intr.(及物动词和不及物动词)dulled,dull.ing,dulls To make or become dull.使变迟钝,使变麻木,使不鲜亮
来源:Middle English dul ; akin to Old English dol 中古英语 dul ;类似于 古英语 dol
adj.(形容词)dull.ness 或
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>dull,colorless,drab,humdrum,lackluster,pedestrian,stodgy,uninspired同义词>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .lacking in liveliness, charm, or surprise.: 这一组形容词共有的意思是.缺乏活力、魅力或惊奇.: 例句:a competent but dull performance of the role;对角色能胜任但乏味的表演;
例句:a colorless and unimaginative person;一个没有个性,缺乏想象力的人;
例句:a drab and boring job;枯燥乏味的工作;
例句:a humdrum conversation;枯燥冗长的对话;
例句:a lackluster life;缺乏活力的生活;
例句:a pedestrian movie plot;平淡无奇的电影情节;
例句:a stodgy dinner party;枯燥无味的宴会;
例句:an uninspired lecture. See also Synonyms at stupid lively 缺乏创见的演讲 参见同义词 stupidlively