adj.(形容词)eas.i.er,eas.i.est Capable of being accomplished or acquired with ease; posing no difficulty:容易的,简单的:能够轻易地被完成或者得到的;毫无困难的:例句:an easy victory; an easy problem.轻易获得的胜利,容易解决的问题
Requiring or exhibiting little effort or endeavor; undemanding:轻松的:不需要或不费多大劲的;不费劲的:例句:took the easy way out of her problems; wasn`t satisfied with easy answers.轻松地解决了她的问题;不满足于轻易可取的答案
Free from worry, anxiety, trouble, or pain:安逸的,不忧虑的:无烦恼、担扰、麻烦或痛苦:例句:My mind was easy, knowing that I had done my best.我很安心,因为我已尽了全力
Affording comfort or relief; soothing:舒适的,放松的:提供舒适或安逸的;抚慰的:例句:soft light that was easy on the eyes.使眼睛舒适的柔和光线
Prosperous; well-off:富裕的;宽裕的:例句:easy living; easy circumstances.安逸的生活;优越的环境
Causing little hardship or distress:轻微的,容易的:产生很小的困难或压力:例句:an easy penalty; a habit that isn`t easy to give up.轻微的处罚;不易改变的习惯
Socially at ease:从容的:轻松的;自如的:例句:an easy, good-natured manner.从容温和的态度
Relaxed in attitude; easygoing:随便的,松散的:态度轻轻松松,随和的:例句:an easy disposition.性情随和
Not strict or severe; lenient:宽容的:不严格或严厉的;宽以待人的:例句:an easy teacher; easy standards.一位宽容的老师;宽松标准
Readily exploited, imposed on, or tricked:易上当的:易受利用、被强加的或受骗的:例句:an easy mark; an easy victim.容易上当的特性;易受害者
Not hurried or forced; moderate:缓和的:不急或不紧迫的;中速的:例句:an easy pace; an easy walk around the block.从容的步伐;绕着街区缓缓散步
Light; gentle:温和的;轻轻的:例句:an easy tap on the shoulder.在肩上轻轻一拍
Not steep or abrupt; gradual:平缓的,不陡的:不陡或急的;渐进的:例句:an easy climb.一个平缓的斜坡
Economics 【经济学】 Less in demand and therefore readily obtainable:需求少的,充裕的:需求少因而使得购买便利:例句:Commodities are easier this quarter.本季商品比较充裕
Plentiful and therefore at low interest rates:利率低的:因数量多而利率低的:例句:easy money.得来容易的钱
Promiscuous; loose.放荡的;毫无约束的adv.(副词)Without haste or agitation:放松地:不着急或不紧张:例句:Relax and take it easy for a while.放松一下,休息一会儿
With little effort; easily:轻易地:毫不费劲地;容易地:例句:success that came too easy.成功垂手可得
In a restrained or moderate manner:适度地:有节制地或适度地:例句:Go easy on the butter.适度地恭维
Without much hardship or cost:不费钱地或不费事地:例句:got off easy with only a small fine.只缴了一点罚金就完事了
<习惯用语>easy as pie【非正式用语】
Capable of being accomplished or done with no difficulty.轻易地:不费劲地办成或毫无困难地做习惯用语>来源:Middle English esi 中古英语 esi from Old French aaisie [past participle of] aaisier [to put at ease] 源自 古法语 aaisie [] aaisier的过去分词 [使放松] a- [to] from Latin ad- [ad-] a- [去] 源自 拉丁语 ad- [前缀,表.往.] aise [ease] * see ease aise [容易] *参见 ease
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>easy,simple,facile,effortless,smooth,light同义词>These adjectives mean requiring little effort or posing little if any difficulty.这些形容词表示不费力气或费很少劲的意思。 Easy applies both to tasks that require little effort and to persons who are not demanding: Easy 表示不花力气的工作及要求不高的人: 例句:.The diagnosis of disease is often easy, often difficult, and often impossible. (Peter M. Latham). .对疾病的诊断往往不严格、不容易且也不可能. (彼得·拉桑)。
例句:Not wanting to be called an easy marker, the teacher graded the essays severely.不想被人看成是一个判分很松的人,于是老师便严格地给文章打分。
Simple implies lack of complexity that facilitates understanding or performance: Simple 表示不复杂、不难理解或操作的: 例句:a simple game;简单的游戏;
例句:a simple problem;简易的问题;
例句:.the faculty . . . of reducing his thought on any subject to the simplest and plainest terms possible. (Baron Charnwood)..用最简单、最清楚的词语表达他对任何问题看法的才能. (拜伦·查伍德)。
Facile stresses readiness and fluency (a facile speaker ); often, though, the word has unfavorable connotations, as of lack of care, glibness or insincerity, or superficiality: Facile 强调快捷与流畅(语言流畅者 ); 然而该词常有不好之意,表示不细心、油嘴滑舌、不诚恳或浮夸: 例句:The explanation is too facile for such a complex phenomenon.这种解释对于这样复杂的情况来说过于肤浅了。
Effortless refers to performance in which the application of great strength or skill makes the execution seem easy: Effortless 指因下了大量功夫或运用技能使得办事容易: 例句:a skater performing an effortless double axel;滑冰者毫不费劲地做了两个前外圆半跳;
例句:wrote effortless prose.轻松地写出散文。
Smooth suggests freedom from hindrances or difficulties that impede progress: Smooth 表示没有阻力或困难妨碍进步: 例句:The path of the bill through the legislature was smooth and orderly.法案顺利且有序地被立法机构通过。
Light refers to tasks or impositions that involve no taxing burdens or responsibilities: Light 指涉及税务负担或责任的任务或使命: 例句:light duties;轻税;
例句:light taxes. 少税