n.(名词)【复数】 eight.ies The cardinal number equal to 8 × 0.八十:等于8×0的基数eighties eighties Often Eighties The decade from 80 to 89 in a century. 常作 Eighties 八十年代:某一世纪从80到89的十年A decade or the numbers from 80 to 89:从80到89的十年或十个数:例句:They were still active in their eighties. Before noon, the temperature shot into the eighties.虽然已年过八十,他们仍然很活跃。中午之前,气温就升高到八十多度
来源:Middle English eighti 中古英语 eighti from Old English eahtatig * see oktô(u) 源自 古英语 eahtatig *参见 oktô(u)