v.tr.(及物动词)e.lim.i.nat.ed,e.lim.i.nat.ing,e.lim.i.nates To get rid of; remove:消灭;消除:例句:an effort to eliminate capital punishment; eliminated his enemies.取消死罪的努力;消灭他的敌人
To leave out or omit from consideration; reject.排除:不予考虑或忽略;拒绝To remove from consideration by defeating, as in a contest.淘汰:通过击败对方而不予考虑,例如在比赛中Mathematics To remove (an unknown quantity) by combining equations.【数学】 消去:通过等式合并消去(一个未知量)Physiology To excrete (bodily wastes).【生理学】 排泄(体内废物)
来源:Latin ôlomin3re ôlomin3t- [to banish] 拉丁语 ôlomin3re ôlomin3t- [排除] ô-, ex- [ex-] ô-, ex- [前缀,表.出自.] lomen lomin- [threshold] lomen lomin- [界限]
n.(名词)elim.ina.tive 或
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>eliminate,eradicate,liquidate,purge同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to wipe out someone or something undesirable, especially by using drastic methods such as banishment or execution.: 这些动词共有的中心意思是.消除不期望的某人或某物,尤指通过极端的手段,例如放逐或处死.: 例句:eliminated all political opposition;消除所有的政治对手;
例句:eradicate guerrilla activity;消灭游击活动;
例句:liquidating traitors;肃清叛徒;
例句:purged all the imprisoned dissidents. 清除所有入监的持不同意见者。