Something spent to attain a goal or accomplish a purpose:花费:为达到目的或完成目标而支付的东西:例句:an expense of time and energy on the project.在那个项目上时间和精力的支出
A loss for the sake of something gained; a sacrifice:损失,牺牲:为获得某物而付出的损失;牺牲:例句:achieved speed at the expense of accuracy.See Synonyms at price 获得了速度但丧失了精确性参见 price
An expenditure of money; a cost:金钱的支出;花费:例句:an improvement that was well worth the expense; a trip with all expenses paid.值得花费的改进;所有花费已被付清的旅行
expenses Abbr. exp. expenses 缩写 exp.Charges incurred by an employee in the performance of work:业务费用,经费:雇员在履行工作中所带来的花费:例句:was reimbursed for her travel expenses.她的旅费已报销
Informal Money allotted for payment of such charges.【非正式用语】 开支:为支付这样花费而拨出的钱Something requiring the expenditure of money:需要支出金钱的事物:例句:Redecorating the house will be a considerable expense.重新装饰房屋将是一项很大的花费
Archaic The act of expending.【古语】 花费:花费的行为v.tr.(及物动词)ex.pensed,ex.pens.ing,ex.pens.es To charge with expenses.收取费用To write off as an expense.把…作为开支勾销
<习惯用语>at (one`s) expense
To (one`s) detriment or chagrin:对某人不利:例句:telling jokes at my expense.我被嘲弄了一番
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Anglo-Norman 源自 英法语 from Latin (pecunia) expônsa [(money) paid out] [from feminine past participle of] expendere [to pay out] * see expend 源自 拉丁语 (pecunia) expônsa [支付的(钱)] [] 源自expendere的阴性过去分词 [付钱] *参见 expend