adj.Abbr. ext.,ex.,X(形容词)缩写 ext.,ex.,XMore than or beyond what is usual, normal, expected, or necessary.See Synonyms at superfluous 超额的,额外的:多于或超过通常的、正常的、意料的或必要的参见 superfluousBetter than ordinary; superior:特佳的:比正常的好;优秀的:例句:extra fineness.特别好
Subject to an additional charge:另收费的:须经额外加费的:例句:a pizza with extra cheese.奶酪要另行收费的比萨饼
n.(名词)Something more than is usual or necessary.额外物:超出平常的或必要的东西Something, such as an accessory on a motor vehicle, for which an additional charge is made.附加物:须另外收费的某物,如机动车上的附件A special edition of a newspaper.号外:报纸中特殊的一版
An additional or alternate worker.额外的人手A performer hired to play a minor part, as in a crowd scene.临时演员:如拍摄电影群众场面时雇来的临时演员Something of exceptional quality.上品,特级品:质量特别好的东西adv.(副词)To an exceptional extent or degree; unusually:格外地,特别地:达到例外的程度或限度;格外地:例句:extra dry.格外干
来源:Probably short for extraordinary 可能为 extraordinary的简写