n.(名词)A fixed sum charged, as by an institution or by law, for a privilege:费:一种法律或组织机构规定的为某项特权而征收的固定费用:例句:a license fee; tuition fees.执照费;学费
A charge for professional services:业务报酬:对职业性的服务所支付的报酬:例句:a surgeon`s fee.诊费
A tip; a gratuity.小费;赏钱Law An inherited or heritable estate in land.【法律】 继承的产业:已继承的或可继承的地产
In feudal law, an estate in land granted by a lord to his vassal on condition of homage and service.Also called feud 2fief 封建地产:在封建法律中,领主授予为其效忠的封臣的地产也作 feud2fiefThe land so held.封地:以这种方式占有的领土v.tr.(及物动词)feed,fee.ing,fees To give a tip to.付给报酬:给小费Scots To hire.【苏格兰】 雇佣
<习惯用语>in fee【法律】
In absolute and legal possession.作为无条件和合法所有的习惯用语>来源:Middle English fe 中古英语 fe from Anglo-Norman fee [fief] 源自 英法语 fee [封建地产] from Old French fie, fief 源自 古法语 fie, fief [of Germanic origin] * see peku- [源于日耳曼语] *参见 peku-