v.(动词)fit.ted 或 fit fit.ted,fit.ting,fits及物动词)
To be the proper size and shape for:合适,适合:成为合适的大小和形状:例句:These shoes fit me.这些鞋很合适我穿
To cause to be the proper size and shape:使合适:使成为合适的大小和形状:例句:The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them.裁缝把这条裤子裁短了一些使之合身
To measure for proper size:量身:为合适的尺寸而测量:例句:She fitted me for a new jacket.她给我量做一件新茄克
To be appropriate to; suit:合适;适合:例句:music that fits your mood.适合你心情的音乐
To be in conformity or agreement with:与…一致;与…相配合:例句:observations that fit the theory nicely.与理论完全相符的观测
To make suitable; adapt:使合适;使配合:例句:fitted the shelves for large books.使书架能放大部头的书
To make ready; prepare:使准备好;准备好:例句:Specialized training fitted her for the job.让她做这项工作的专门训练
To equip; outfit:装备;提供必须的装备:例句:fit out a ship.准备一条船
To provide a place or time for:为…提供场所或时间:例句:You can`t fit any more toys in the box. The doctor can fit you in today.你在那箱子里已装不下更多的玩具了。今天医生能跟你定个时间
To insert or adjust so as to be properly in place:安装:插入或调整使之在合适的位置上:例句:fit a handle on a door.给门安上一个把手
v.intr.(不及物动词)To be the proper size and shape.合适,合身:成为合适的尺寸和形状To be suited; belong:相配;属于:例句:doesn`t fit in with these people.与这些人格格不入
To be in harmony; agree:和谐;一致:例句:His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.他良好的心绪与那欢快的场合很和谐
adj.(形容词)fit.ter,fit.test Suited, adapted, or acceptable for a given circumstance or purpose:合适的:对于特定的环境或意图来说是合适的、适应的或可接受的:例句:not a fit time for flippancy.不是放肆的时候
Appropriate; proper:恰当的;正确的:例句:Do as you see fit.你认为怎么合适就怎么做
Physically sound; healthy:身体健康的;健康的:例句:keeps fit with diet and exercise.通过节食和运动来保持健康
n.(名词)The state, quality, or way of being fitted:合适,适当:成为适当的状态、质量或方法:例句:the proper fit of means to ends.为达目的所使用的适当手段
The manner in which clothing fits:合身:衣服合身的样式:例句:a jacket with a tight fit.紧身的夹克
The degree of precision with which surfaces are adjusted or adapted to each other in a machine or collection of parts.配合:机器或组装零件表面相互调整或调节到的精确程度
<习惯用语>fit to be tied
Roused to great anger or indignation; outraged.十分恼火,怒不可遏fit to kill【俚语】
To an extreme or elaborate degree:极度地,大大地:例句:dressed up fit to kill.盛装打扮
习惯用语>来源:Middle English fitten [to be suitable, marshal troops] 中古英语 fitten [成为得体的司仪队]
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>fit,suitable,meet,proper,appropriate,apt,fitting,happy,felicitous同义词>These adjectives mean right or correct in view of existing circumstances. They are often interchangeable.考虑到存在环境时,这些形容词都意为.恰当的或正确的.且通常可以互换。 Fit refers to what is adapted for or suited to a purpose, occasion, or use: Fit 意思是对某一意图、场合或使用是合适的: 例句:a meal fit for a gourmet;对一位美食家很合适的一餐;
例句:a tractor fit for heavy duty;适合干重活的拖拉机;
例句:not a fit time or place for an argument.不是争论的好时间或好地方。
Suitable implies ability to meet a requirement, fill a need, or answer a purpose: Suitable 暗含符合某要求、完成某需要或实现某意图的能力: 例句:an overcoat suitable for everyday wear;适合平时穿的外套;
例句:a book not suitable for children.不适合孩子们看的书。
Meet applies to what is precisely suitable and often suggests the sense of being right or just: Meet 意指完全符合,常暗含正当的或正义的意味: 例句:a meet reward.合适的报酬。
Proper describes what is harmonious, either by nature or because it accords with reason, custom, or propriety: Proper 描写的是因与伦理、风俗或礼仪相符而和谐的或是自然的: 例句:the proper time to plant a crop;种庄稼的恰当时间;
例句:the proper form of address for a cleric. What is 神职人员讲话的适当形式。。
appropriate to a thing or for an occasion especially befits it: Appropriate 尤指对某事或某一场合有益: 例句:a funeral conducted with appropriate solemnity. What isapt is notably to the point: 在适宜的肃穆中进行的葬礼。 Apt 能使中心更突出:
例句:an apt reply.恰如其分的回答。
Fitting suggests close agreement, as with a prevailing mood or spirit: Fitting 意指和普遍的情感和精神等相吻合: 例句:.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives . . . It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. (Abraham Lincoln)..我们已开始贡献出那片土地的一部分,作为那些在这里献出了生命的人们的一片安息之地…这完全正当而合适,我们应该这么做. (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。
Happy andfelicitous are applicable to what seems especially suitable, as by its nature: Happy 和felicitous 适用于看起来特别合适,如同由它的性质而定的: 例句:a happy turn of phrase;短语贴切的转换;
例句:a felicitous comment. See also Synonyms at adapt 恰当的评论 参见同义词 adapt
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n.(名词)Medicine 【医学】 A seizure or a convulsion, especially one caused by epilepsy.发作,阵发:尤指由癫痫症引发的疾病的发作The sudden appearance of a symptom such as coughing or sneezing.突发:如咳嗽或打喷嚏等病症的突然出现A sudden outburst of emotion:感情的突发:例句:a fit of jealousy.突生妒忌之心
A sudden period of vigorous activity.剧烈活动的阵发
<习惯用语>by fits and starts 或
in fits and starts
With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently.一阵阵地,间歇地:无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地习惯用语>来源:Middle English [hardship] 中古英语 [困难] probably from Old English fitt [struggle] 可能源自 古英语 fitt [斗争]
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n.Archaic (名词)【古语】 A section of a poem or ballad.诗歌或民谣的一节
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English 源自 古英语