n.Abbr. gal.(名词)缩写 gal.
A unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to 4 quarts (3.785 liters).加仑:美国使用的液体容量单位,等于4夸脱(3.785开)A unit of volume in the British Imperial System, used in liquid and dry measure, equal to 4 quarts (4.54' liters).See table at measurement 英制加仑:英国度量衡系统用于液体和干容量单位,等于4夸脱(4.54'开)参见 measurementA container with a capacity of one gallon.一加仑容量的容器
来源:Middle English [a liquid measure] 中古英语 [液体量度] from Old North French galon 源自 古法国北方方言 galon