v.(动词)gam.bled,gam.bling,gam.bles v.intr.(不及物动词)
To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest.赌博:在某一不确定的结果上下赌注,象在比赛上Games To play a game of chance for stakes.【游戏】 赌博游戏:为了赢得赌注而玩的游戏To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.投机,冒险:为获得好处或利益而冒险To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior:孤注一掷:参与卤莽的、冒险的行为:例句:You are gambling with your health by continuing to smoke.你继续抽烟是把自己的健康当赌注及物动词)Games To put up as a stake in gambling; wager.【游戏】 下赌注,打赌:将赌注置于赌博中;赌注To expose to hazard; risk:使冒险;冒风险:例句:gambled their lives in a dangerous rescue mission.在一次危险的营救任务中冒着生命危险
n.(名词)Games A bet, wager, or other gambling venture.【游戏】 赌博、打赌或其它投机的冒险An act or undertaking of uncertain outcome; a risk:冒险:冒险从事不确定结果的行为;冒险:例句:I took a gamble that stock prices would rise.我冒着股票可能上涨的风险
来源:Perhaps from obsolete gamel [to play games] 可能源自 废语 gamel [做游戏] from Middle English gamen, gamenen [to play] 源自 中古英语 gamen, gamenen [玩,游戏] from Old English gamenian 源自 古英语 gamenian from gamen [fun] 源自 gamen [玩笑,乐趣]