gar.ble及物动词)gar.bled,gar.bling,gar.bles To mix up or distort to such an extent as to make misleading or incomprehensible:混淆,歪曲:混杂或歪曲到一定程度以使误解或使难理解:例句:She garbled all the historical facts.她歪曲了所有历史事实
To scramble (a signal or message), as by erroneous encoding or faulty transmission.使混乱,使不清楚:通过错误的编码或错误的传送搅乱(信号或消息)Archaic To sort out; cull.【古语】 挑选;精选n.(名词)The act or an instance of garbling.混淆:混淆的行动或实例
来源:Middle English garbelen [to inspect and remove refuse from spices] 中古英语 garbelen [检查并从香料中除掉杂质] from Anglo-Norman garbeler [to sift,] 源自 英法语 garbeler [精选,筛] and from Medieval Latin garbell3re 并源自 中世纪拉丁语 garbell3re both from Arabic ôarbala [to select] 都源自 阿拉伯语 ôarbala [挑选] from ôirb3l [sieve] 源自 ôirb3l [筛] from Late Latin crobellum 源自 后期拉丁语 crobellum diminutive of Latin crobrum * see krei- 拉丁语 crobrum的小后缀 *参见 krei-