n.(名词)A small gemma or similar structure, especially a reproductive structure in some sponges that remains dormant through the winter and later develops into a new individual.微芽,小芽,原芽:一种小的胚芽或相似构造,尤其一具有繁殖能力的构造,存在于一些幼芽中,在整个冬季处于蛰伏状态,以后可发展为一新个体A hypothetical particle of heredity postulated to be the mediating factor in the production of new cells in the theory of pangenesis.胚芽,芽球:在泛生论学说中,指遗传中的一种假定粒子,被假定认为在新细胞的产生中起媒介作用
来源:French 法语 from Latin gemmula [diminutive of] gemma [bud] * see gembh- 源自 拉丁语 gemmula [] gemma的小后缀 [胞芽] *参见 gembh-