v.(动词)A past tense and a past participle of gild gild的过去式和过去分词adj.(形容词)Covered with gold or gilt.镀金的,金色的Resembling gold, as in color or luster.光彩耀目的:在颜色或光泽上象黄金的n.(名词)Abbr. gt.A thin layer of gold or something simulating gold that is applied in gilding.缩写 gt.镀金,包金:一层薄的涂金层或其适用于镀金的仿金物Superficial brilliance or gloss.表面的光辉或光彩Slang Money.【俚语】 钱
gilt 2
n.(名词)A young sow that has not farrowed.未下过猪仔的小母猪
来源:Middle English [young sow] 中古英语 [小母猪] from Old Norse gyltr 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 gyltr