n.(名词)【复数】 gi.raffes 或 giraffe An African ruminant mammal(Giraffa camelopardalis) having a very long neck and legs, a tan coat with orange-brown to black blotches, and short horns. It is the tallest land animal, often reaching a height of 5 meters ('ô feet), and feeds principally by browsing in the tree canopy of wooded grasslands. 长颈鹿:一种非洲的反刍哺乳动物(长颈鹿) ,有很长的脖子和腿,有黄褐色到黑色的斑点和短短的角。它是陆上最高的动物,经常达到5米高('.5英尺)。主要吃长满树木的草原上的树木顶端嫩叶
来源:French girafe 法语 girafe from Italian giraffa 源自 意大利语 giraffa from Arabic dialectal zir3fah 源自 阿拉伯方言 zir3fah [probably of African origin] [可能源自非洲]