v.(动词)gushed,, v.intr.(不及物动词)To flow forth suddenly in great volume:喷涌:以大流量迅速流出:例句:water gushing from a hydrant.水从消防龙头中喷涌而出
To emit a sudden and abundant flow, as of tears.(眼泪等)大量地涌出To make an excessive display of sentiment or enthusiasm:过度热情:显示过多的感情或热情:例句:gushed over the baby.过度热情逗弄婴儿及物动词)To emit abundantly; pour forth.大量释放;涌出n.(名词)A sudden, copious outflow:流泻:迅速大量的外流:例句:a gush of tears.泪如泉涌
Excessively demonstrative language or behavior.过分流露感情的语言和行为
来源:Middle English gushen 中古英语 gushen [perhaps of Scandanavian origin] * see gheu- [可能来源于斯堪的纳维亚语] *参见 gheu-