n.(名词)A house or a section of a house reserved for women members of a Moslem household.闺房:在伊斯兰教国家女性家庭成员居住的房子或房子的一部分The wives, concubines, female relatives, and servants occupying such a place.居住在闺房中的妻子、妾、女眷和婢女等的总称A group of women sexual partners for one man.一位男性的一群女性性伴侣
来源:Turkish 土耳其语 from Persian ôaram 源自 波斯语 ôaram from Arabic ôarom [sacred, forbidden place] 源自 阿拉伯语 ôarom [神圣的禁地] from ôarama [to be prohibited] 源自 ôarama [被禁止的]