n.(名词)A dish of chopped meat, potatoes, and sometimes vegetables, usually browned.肉末杂菜:一种由剁碎的肉、土豆或蔬菜等做成的通常呈褐色的菜
A jumble; a hodgepodge.杂乱的一大堆;杂烩菜Informal A mess:【非正式用语】 搞得乱七八糟的事:例句:made a hash of the project.把一项工程搞得乱七八糟
A reworking or restatement of already familiar material.改头换面:对已经熟悉的题材改变措辞或进行重新表述v.tr.(及物动词)hashed,hash.ing,hash.es To chop into pieces; mince.切碎;磨碎Informal To make a mess of; mangle.【非正式用语】 把…搞糟;把…弄乱Informal To discuss carefully; review:【非正式用语】 仔细地讨论;回顾:例句:hash over future plans.仔细讨论将来的计划
<习惯用语>settle (someone`s) hash【俚语】
To silence or subdue.沉默或服从习惯用语>来源:Variant of Middle English hache 中古英语 hache的变体 from Old French [past participle of] hacher, hachier [to chop up] 源自 古法语 [] hacher, hachier的过去分词 [砍] from hache [ax] 源自 hache [削减] [of Germanic origin] * see hatchet [源于日耳曼语] *参见 hatchet
hash 2
n.Slang (名词)【俚语】 Hashish.大麻麻醉剂