n.Symbol H (名词)符号 H A colorless, highly flammable gaseous element, the lightest of all gases and the most abundant element in the universe, used in the production of synthetic ammonia and methanol, in petroleum refining, in the hydrogenation of organic materials, as a reducing atmosphere, in oxyhydrogen torches, and in rocket fuels. Atomic number ; atomic weight .00797; melting point -259.4=C; boiling point -252.8=C; density at 0=C 0.08987 gram per liter; valence .See table at element 氢:一种无色,易燃的气体物质,在所有气体中最轻,而宇宙中最多用来生产合成氨和甲醇,提炼石油,氢化有机物质作为收缩的气体,用在氧氢焰熔接器和火箭燃料中。原子序数为;原子量为.00797;熔点为-259.4=C;沸点-252.8=C;零度时的密度是0.08987克/公升;原子价为参见 element
来源:French hydrogène 法语 hydrogène Greek hudro- [hydro-] 希腊语 hudro- [前缀] -gène [-gen] -gène [后缀]